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Fallout New Vegas Hotkey

In Fallout: New Vegas on PC, you can set a quick weapon access keys by pressing a keyboard shortcut (1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, or 8), and clicking a weapon in the menu.

  1. Fallout New Vegas For Pc
  2. Fallout New Vegas Modded Save
  • Similar to Fallout 3, keys in Fallout: New Vegas open specific doors or containers, some of which are inaccessible otherwise. Most keys can be found in the possession of non-player characters and can be pickpocketed while a few can only be retrieved if their owner has been killed.
  • This is a fully voiced companion for Fallout New Vegas, he can be found at the 188 Trading Post. Please note (Nothing is final) the voice actor and the companion will change in the future. Not teleporting to the lucky 38 when told to get lost but walking instead! Not switching to melee when prompted! Inventory wont open sometimes!

As part of the Unified Community Platform project, this wiki and 38 others will be migrated to the new platform in the next few weeks. Minimal changes are expected as part of this migration. Read more here. My photo pro 1 1.

Shortcuts are used to be able to easier link to certain pages in the 'The Vault' namespace, typically policy and guideline pages. Shortcuts are simply redirects which all start with The Vault: followed by a number of letters in upper case. The letters should match what they link to to a certain degree; avoid completely random combinations.

All available shortcuts can be found in the list below or in Category:Shortcuts. Heidelberg gto 52 manual.

  • 2List of shortcuts

Setting up a shortcut

Create a new page with the proper name ('The Vault:<shortcut>') and then insert:

Omnifocus 2 2 5 download free. Insert checkbox in word for mac 2016. {{shortcut}} should then be placed either at the top of the page or in the section you want the shortcut to point to. If the template is already present in the location where you wanted to put it, simply add your new shortcut to it.

List of shortcuts


Policy shortcuts

ShortcutPoints to
The Vault:APThe Vault:Administration policy
The Vault:CThe Vault:Content policy
The Vault:CONTENTThe Vault:Content policy
The Vault:CATThe Vault:Content organization guideline#Categorization
The Vault:CONDUCTThe Vault:User conduct guideline
The Vault:DISThe Vault:Content organization guideline#Disambiguation
The Vault:DISAMBIGThe Vault:Content organization guideline#Disambiguation
The Vault:EDITThe Vault:Editing guideline
The Vault:IMAGEThe Vault:Image and video policy#Images
The Vault:IVThe Vault:Image and video policy
The Vault:GThe Vault:Policies and guidelines
The Vault:LAYThe Vault:Article layout guideline
The Vault:LAYCThe Vault:Article layout guideline/Character article
The Vault:LAYCRThe Vault:Article layout guideline/Creature article
The Vault:LAYIThe Vault:Article layout guideline/Item article
The Vault:LAYLThe Vault:Article layout guideline/Location article
The Vault:LAYOUTThe Vault:Article layout guideline
The Vault:LAYQThe Vault:Article layout guideline/Quest article
The Vault:MASThe Vault:Content organization guideline#Merging and splitting
The Vault:NAMEThe Vault:Content organization guideline#Naming
The Vault:ORGThe Vault:Content organization guideline
The Vault:PThe Vault:Policies and guidelines
The Vault:POLICYThe Vault:Policies and guidelines
The Vault:REFThe Vault:Referencing guidelines
The Vault:UCThe Vault:User conduct guideline
The Vault:VIDEOThe Vault:Image and video policy#Videos

Other shortcuts

ShortcutPoints to
The Vault:ABThe Vault:About the Fallout Wiki
The Vault:ABOUTThe Vault:About the Fallout Wiki
The Vault:ADMINThe Vault:Administrators
The Vault:CAThe Vault:Create article
The Vault:CALCategory:Page creation templates
The Vault:CHATThe Vault:Chat
The Vault:COPYThe Vault:Copyrights
The Vault:CREATEThe Vault:Create article
The Vault:DUPThe Vault:Duplicate files
The Vault:EXTThe Vault:Extensions
The Vault:IRCThe Vault:IRC channel
The Vault:FForum:Index
The Vault:FEATThe Vault:Featured articles
The Vault:FORUMForum:Index
The Vault:HELPHelp:Contents
The Vault:MMThe Vault:Maintenance manual
The Vault:NBlog:News
The Vault:NEWSBlog:News
The Vault:PCLCategory:Page creation templates
The Vault:PROThe Vault:Projects
The Vault:RAWThe Vault:Raw game data
The Vault:RFAThe Vault:Administrators#Becoming an administrator
The Vault:SCThe Vault:Shortcuts
The Vault:SHORTThe Vault:Shortcuts
The Vault:SKINSThe Vault:Skins
The Vault:SNThe Vault:Submit news
The Vault:TThe Vault:Templates
The Vault:WDThe Vault:Wiki news digest

Namespace shortcut

Fallout New Vegas For Pc In addition to shortcuts which link directly to certain pages, 'VA:' in general can be used as a shorter version of 'The Vault:'.

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